Sprit of George Washington Encampment Banner

As of Tuesday November 2, 1999

Despite the best intentions of MVE organizers, it has not been possible to prepare vehicle entry passes and parking passes for distribution to district unit leaders prior to the event.  No entry passes therefore will required to bring campers and gear to the encampment on Friday, November 5.  Passes for parking cars at Mount Vernon High School will be distributed at Mount Vernon when campers arrive on Friday. Although entry passes are not required, district unit leaders are asked to do two things:
u Carpool to the greatest extent possible to minimize the number of vehicles converging on Mount Vernon.
u Make sure every drive knows your district's name so that they can deliver campers and gear to the correct drop-off point once they have arrived at Mount Vernon.
Assignment of district units to campsites will be made when the units arrive on Friday evening.  A representative of the MVE logistics staff will meet the unit when it arrives and will take leaders of the unit to their clearly marked site so that they can move gear to the campsite and set up camp as quickly as possible.
District units should use a modified version of the Regulations for the Order and Discipline of Troops of the United States, which were developed by Baron von Steuben for General George Washington's Continental Army and are outlined on the Campground and Campsite Layout page of the District Unit Leaders GuideFor security purposes, however, the front row of tents should face inward toward the middle of the campsite, however, not toward the grand boulevard.  Tents in the latter rows can face either forward or back as units deem best for their site.
In the event an emergency arises and it becomes necessary to contact a camper or staff member during the encampment, you should call 703/625-4196 (MVE Logistic Director Dominick Caridi's cell phone).
If you are unsuccessful contacting MVE staff using that number, you should  call the Mount Vernon security staff at 703/799-8677.
As General Washington might have observed, Providence appears to be smiling on us as we approach the great encampment.  Tuesday's rains will usher in cool, brisk winds to dry out the campsite, and sunny skies are predicted for Friday through Sunday.   Temperatures are predicted to be near 60oF during daylight hours and down into the upper 30os at night.  Be sure that all campers (both Scouts and adults) have sufficient clothing and gear (jackets, sweaters, hats, and sleeping bags) to keep them warm throughout the encampment.  It's better to have a few extra items that aren't needed than to shiver through a cold night or chilly morning!


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This site is provided as a service to Scouts and Scouters by the Colonial District, NCAC, BSA, which includes George Washington's Mount Vernon.  Although not an official site of the NCAC, BSA, or Mount Vernon, the site is maintained by Tom Baerwald, who has been appointed by the NCAC to direct the Mount Vernon Encampment, so information should be reasonably accurate.